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Found 2 strains in the SAG-DB containing "cyanophora"

(Click on a strain number to get more detailed information for a particular strain)

Image Strain Number Genus Species Authority Former Name Division Class Authentic Medium Axenic Locality Sequence
for teaching
Cyanophora cuspidata 45.84 Cyanophora cuspidata T. Takahashi et Nozaki Cyanophora paradoxa Korshikov Glaucophyta Glaucophyceae no MiEB12 bacterial or other types of contamination Germany, Erlangen, soil from fish pond at Möhrendorf
Cyanophora paradoxa 29.80 Cyanophora paradoxa Korshikov Glaucophyta Glaucophyceae no +V bacterial or other types of contamination United Kingdom, plankton in alkaline freshwater