SAG Strain Number: | 1211-1 |
Genus: | Colacium |
Species: | sideropus |
Taxonomic position: | Euglenophyta - Euglenophyceae |
Authority: | Skuja |
Variety: | |
Formerly called: | C. cyclopicolum |
Authentic: | no |
Division: | Euglenophyta |
Class: | Euglenophyceae |
General habitat: | epizoic |
Climatic zone: | |
Continent: | Europe |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Locality: | Cambridge, epizoic on Daphnia |
Lat. / Long. (Precision): | 52.202347 / 0.128345 (9000m) View on Google Maps |
Year: | 1952 |
Isolated by: | E. G. Pringsheim |
Strain number by isolator: | |
Deposition by: | E.G. Pringsheim (SAG) |
Deposition date: | 1954 |
Culture medium: | ESP Ag |
Axenic: | axenic |
Strain relatives: | |
Agitation resistance: | not detected |
Special properties: | NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain |
Publication: | Kim,J.I. et al. (2015) Taxon-rich multigene phylogeny of photosynthetic euglenoids (Euglenophyceae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3 |
Publication: | Milanowski R. et al. (2014) Distribution of Conventional and Nonconventional Introns in Tubulin (alpha and beta) Genes of Euglenids. Mol. Biol. Evol. 31 (3):584-593 |
Publication: | Karnkowska-Ishikawa, Anna et al. (2011) THE SPECIES EUGLENA DESES (EUGLENACEAE) REVISITED: NEW MORPHOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR DATA1. Journal of Phycology 47 (3):653-661 |
Publication: | Kim J.I. et al. (2010) Multigene Analyses of Photosynthetic Euglenoids and New Family, Phacaceae (Euglenales). J. Phycol. 46 (6):1278–1287 |
Publication: | Linton E.W. et al. (2010) Reconstructing Euglenoid Evolutionary Relationships using Three Genes: NuclearSSU and LSU, and Chloroplast SSUrDNA Sequences and the Description of Euglenaria gen. nov. (Euglenophyta). Protist 161:603-619 |
Publication: | Marin, B. et al. (2003) Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of plastid-containing Euglenophytes based on SSU rDNA sequence comparisons and synapomorphic signatures in the SSU rRNA secondary structure. Protist 154 (1):99-145 |
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Sequence Accession: | JQ398620 UNVERIFIED: Colacium mucronatum strain SAG 1211-1 chloroplast oxygen-evolving enhancer protein 1 precursor-like (psbO) mRNA, partial sequence. (692 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | KT304894 Colacium mucronatum strain SAG1211-1 large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. (914 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | AJ532441 Colacium sideropus partial 18S rRNA gene, strain SAG 1211-1. (2069 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | KC907643 Colacium mucronatum strain SAG 1211-1 alpha-tubulin (tubA) gene, partial cds. (1206 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | KC907676 Colacium mucronatum strain SAG 1211-1 clone 2 beta-tubulin (tubB) gene, partial cds. (1259 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | KC907675 Colacium mucronatum strain SAG 1211-1 clone 1 beta-tubulin (tubB) gene, partial cds. (1267 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | EU221482 Colacium mucronatum strain SAG1211-1 16S small subunit ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; chloroplast. (1416 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | EF999906 large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. (3499 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | EF525388 Colacium mucronatum strain SAG1211-1 large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; plastid. (1789 bp) |
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Cryopreservation: | 2-step protocol: no survival 5% DMSO |
Recommended for teaching: | no |