SAG Strain Number: | 835-3 |
Genus: | Heterococcus |
Species: | viridis |
Taxonomic position: | Heterokontophyta - Xanthophyceae |
Authority: | Chodat |
Variety: | |
Formerly called: | Heterococcus chodatii Vischer |
Authentic: | yes |
Division: | Heterokontophyta |
Class: | Xanthophyceae |
General habitat: | subaerial |
Climatic zone: | |
Continent: | Europe |
Country: | Switzerland |
Locality: | near lake Geneva, subaerial |
Lat. / Long. (Precision): | 46.206686 / 6.148167 (3000m) View on Google Maps |
Year: | before 1908 |
Isolated by: | R. Chodat |
Strain number by isolator: | Geneva strain 38 |
Deposition by: | E.G. Pringsheim (< W. Vischer 1936 as No. 161 < F. Chodat 1935) |
Deposition date: | 1954 |
Culture medium: | ESP Ag |
Axenic: | axenic |
Strain relatives: | CCAP 835/3, UTEX 346 |
Agitation resistance: | not detected |
Special properties: | NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain; |
Publication: | Yang E.C. et al. (2012) Supermatrix data highlight the phylogenetic relationships of photosynthetic stramenopiles. Protist 163 (2): 217-231 |
Publication: | Maistro, S. et al. (2009) Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Xanthophyceae (Stramenopiles, Chromalveolata). Protist 160 (3):412-426 |
Publication: | Silva, P.C. (1979) Review of the taxonomic history and nomenclature of the yellow-green algae. Archiv für Protistenkunde 121:20-63 |
Publication: | Vischer, W. (1936) Über Heterokonten und Heterokonten-ähnliche Grünalgen (Bumilleriopsis, Heterothrix, Heterococcus und Dictyococcus, Muriella). Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 45:372-410 |
Publication: | Chodat, R. (1913) Monographies d'algues en culture pure. Materiaux pour la flore cryptogamique Suisse. Berne. 4:1-266 |
Publication: | Chodat, R. (1909) Etude critique et experimentale sur la polymorphisme des algues. |
Publication: | Chodat, R. (1908) . Bull. de la Soc. bot. de Genive |
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Sequence Accession: | JX681220 Heterococcus viridis strain SAG 835-3 PsbA (psbA) gene, partial cds; psbA-rbcL intergenic spacer, complete sequence; ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) gene, complete cds; rbcL-rbcS intergenic spacer, complete sequen (1982 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | JX681147 Heterococcus viridis strain SAG 835-3 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence; and 26S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. (339 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | AM421003 chloroplast partial rbcL gene (1398 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | AM421014 chloroplast partial psaA gene (1344 bp) |
Sequence Accession: | AM490822 partial 18S rRNA gene (1755 bp) |
Cryopreservation: | standard 2step with 5% DMSO; good survival |
Recommended for teaching: | no |